the New Kids
Millennial duo aimed at providing resources and tools to inspire our peers.
6 years ago

109 - Delo Brown

The New Kids Episode 109 - Delo Brown

Sit down with The New Kids as we talk with Delo Brown, hilarious comedian, and life liver. In this episode we discuss following your dreams, taking inspiration from what's going on around you and living your life to the fullest extent. Check out Delo Brown on Twitter @KeepitontheDELO, look out for her next show and don't forget, #WATTBABB

The New Kids, Germaine and Shyriah, are a millennial duo aimed at providing resources and tools to inspire our peers. We, along with our millennial peers, share our journeys, challenge ideas, and push progress with the hopes to inspire.

Support the New Kids and the New Kids University by visiting IG @ theNewKidsLLC FB @theNewKidsLLC or